Israel Spine Society
The Israel Spine Society (ISS) is the professional organisation of most of the practicing spine surgeons in Israel, Orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons have embraced it as their professional home providing an atmosphere of
learning and camaraderie.
The Current president is Dr. Gad Velan.
Our History
The ISS was founded in 2000 by a group of veteran spine surgeons together with young surgeons who were at the beginning of their professional career, and did not find that the Israeli Orthopedic Association or the Neurosurgical Association answered their specific professional and educational needs.
At the inaugural meeting, held in the Carmel Forests Resort, the first president, Prof’ Jacobo Nerubai was elected for office joined by three running committee members, and together they have formalise hte siciety into the structure it has today.
Beginning in 2003 an Annual Meeting was established with 2 to 3q uarterly half-day meetings to discuss problematic cases, present new surgical techniques and provide a venue for networking.
As of 2017 the ISS is an institutional member of EuroSpine represented in EuSSAB by Dr. Nachson Knoller.
Our Membership
Active members are certified Neurosurgeons or Orthopedic surgeons who either graduated an official one year fellowship program abroad or graduated from an Israeli two-year program.
Affiliate members are individuals in related fields as psychiatrists, physiotherapists and rehabilitation psychologists.
We are currently 65 active members, with 2-3 new members joining us every year.
The Organizing Committee
Chairman: Nimrod Rahamimov, M.D.
Secretary: Eyal Itshayek, M.D.
Treasurer: Ytzhak Engel, M.D.
Educational Committee: Ory Keynan, M.D.
Committee Member: Gilad Regev, M.D.
Administrator: Moran Buchbut, B.A., M.Ha
The Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting is held on the beginning of spring in Eilat ,a resort town in the southern most point of Israel, on the beaches of the Red Sea opposite Akkaba in Jordan and near the border crossing to Egypt in Taba.
It is a 3 days meeting attended by ISS members and many international attendees, where time is divided between original presentations and invited keynote lectures by international faculty members coming from North America, Europe, Japan and China.
Its location lends it self to pre and post meeting excursions to the ancient Nabatian site of Petra in Jordan, or a tour of the holy places in Jerusalem and Bethlehem who are especially interesting as Easter is approaching.
Our goals for the future
Establishing a formal training program towards a Government approved
diploma in spine surgery.
Creating or affiliating into an existing spine registry.